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Marketing Strategies

Tim Dunham Realty offers a variety of marketing strategies to help you stop feeling overwhelmed and start feeling excited about moving on to the next chapter in your life.  

Find out more about these services below or contact us today to inquire about how we could use them to help sell your home.

Preparing to Sell

The thought of selling your home can be overwhelming.  "Should I pack everything?  Remove family photos?  Paint the living room?  Redo the floors?  Wash the ceilings? Move the kids to Grandma's?"  You get the picture.  The unknown can be a scary place.  That's why at Tim Dunham Realty, we simplify the process for you.  Our professional real estate stagers are able to meet with you and decipher a game plan that prioritizes what you really need to do and what can wait.  By having this official "To Do List", you have the peace of mind of knowing that you are taking the right actions to sell fast and for top dollar.  And, no, our stagers never recommend moving the kids to Grandma's:)

Professional Real Estate Staging

Real Estate Staging transforms your house into a buyer’s dream home.  The conversion is a delicate process.  While most realtors focus on neutralizing and depersonalizing your house, the true art of staging will turn your it into a warm, cozy and inviting home.  A successful stager will draw on the emotions of the buyer swaying their logical house “needs” list to a “I must have this home” feeling.  Once this happens, negotiations often fall in favor of the seller.

Professional Photographs

There’s nothing that compares to professional photos.  Great lighting, equipment, the perfect camera lens and a professional’s  touch make your home look like a masterpiece online - where nearly every potential buyer will see it for the first time.   Don't chance your home's online presence to anything less.

Facebook Advertising

Dunham Realty’s Facebook page has nearly 1,000 followers and growing.  We design customized Facebook ads to promote your property in your local area.  This unique way of real estate promotion has proven to be very effective to spread the word to the community and potential buyers that your house is on the market and impeccable!

We make sure your house is getting the attention it deserves.  Our strategies coupled with constant contact with potential buyers ensures your home is out front of people who really want to call it home!  We continually re-assess the activity on your house and design new marketing strategies if needed.  Your house won't sit on the market collecting dust when listed with Tim Dunham Realty.

Have you heard enough?  Call us and let's get your house on the market!  207-729-7297

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